Wednesday, February 12, 2014

DIY photo frame wall art - Cheap way to add a modern twist to any room!

I always check out the photo frame section of the thrift store whenever I go, because I can ALWAYS find cheap decent frames for as little as .50 cents. Most of them are chipped or nicked or a really bad color. 

Nothing a can of spray paint, a drill and a glue gun can't fix!!

Besides the obvious redo of just spray painting the frame and using it for pictures, I wanted to do some frame art for the Yellow and Gray room.

I laid out my frames in what order I wanted them once I was ready to hang it - be mindful of how it may sit against the wall. Make sure your supporting frame (the one that will be hanging) is the bottom layer and has a good hanging bracket. Build the other layers on top of that.

Once I figured out how I wanted them to go, I took them outside, spray painted them in the 3 colors I wanted (to match my room) and then let dry. 

Once all the pieces dried, I got out the drill and some screws and attached the frames to each other.

In hindsight, I probably used the wrong kind of screws, and some of my frames were REALLY hard to get through, and I ended up cursing a lot. in some places it split my frame and took off some spray paint, but a quick touch up fixed that.

Once it was screwed in place and attached, I took back outside and blasted it with a clear coat of spray, just to give it a little shiny look.

When it was dry and I went to take it inside, one of my not so good screws came out and I decided it might be best to reinforce the screws with a little hot glue.

You can never have enough uses for a glue gun!!

Anyway, once everything was dry and NOT going to plop apart on me, I centered it on my wall, screwed in a screw and hung it up, I had to play with the balance a little just because of awkward shapes, but it worked perfect!

I LOVE it!!!

Slip cover style headboard cover - Easy DIY to change up a room!

Greetings from a rainy and very cold GA!

Schools are closed again today (We had some of this nasty weather a few weeks ago) and I have been busy putting together my grey and yellow room. I've been home and prepping for a new job, you would think I would have a lot of time to post, but really, I feel like I have less time!

Anyway, I'm going to be posting a few updates for my room!

First up: Slip cover headboard!

Above is a quick before and after photo of the bed. The bed itself is a queen and an ugly brown color. I found a really good deal on some clearance fabric at the store, and even though it was a little more than I wanted to spend, I just LOVED the print.

Plus, I didn't want to paint - I HATE painting things like this - too much detail and I don't have the patients for it lol

I did however fail to take pictures of the actual sewing part of this project. BUT, it really is as simple as sewing 3 sides and a quick hem.

I measured out the width and height of the headboard and added in the posts that added about 2 inches on each side, plus 1 inch for a seam allowance. I was SUPER lucky that my measurements for the height was EXACTLY the width of the fabric (45") so I didn't have to make any more than 1 cut (I got 4 yards because I was doing the foot-board too). I got a cheap grey fabric for the back, and some rolled batting to give the headboard a little cushion - You can however make this as thick as you want, but I just wanted a little padding.

I laid out my fabric as solid, print side down, then the batting. Pin. Sew the sides and top - I double seamed mine because it was going to be a tight fit and I didn't want any pulling apart.

Once I did that, I turned right side out, pointed my corners, slid on the headboard and made sure it fit ok. I pulled off again, then did a quick hem along the bottom. I did have to trim a little of the batting so it did't puff out, but no one would see it either.

And there you have it - a very quick and simple slipcover for head or foot board. Stay tuned for the other elements in the room!!

Buffalo Ranch Tuna Cups

 Buffalo Ranch Tuna Cups So, I am not a huge tuna eater. I'm more of a steak, chicken, and seafood chick (well, aside fr...